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Thursday, 10 July 2014

Commiphora wrightii, - GUGGULU, the king of all anti-rheumatic drugs in Ayurveda !!!


Species-commiphora wightii, commiphora mukul, commiphora roxburghii

In the vedas the mention of guggulu comes with respect to the demolition of demons and all other evil forces in various rituals especially using the smoke of this resin(guggulu), so it is also called as “devadhoopa”. In ayurvedic medicinal texts and in practise, guggulu is a well known drug for curing rheumatic and neurological disorders called as vatavyadhis. Reasearches are being carried out about the chemical constituents of this drug. Among the five varities of guggulu that are found in India commiphora mukul and commiphora roxburghii are used for medicinal purposes.

In India it is harvested mainly in Rajasthan and Gujarat. But scientists claim to have found out about 165 species of this plant distributed over Africa and Asia.

Therapeutic Properties according to Ayurveda
Rasa-tikta, katu, madhura (astringent, pungent, sweet to taste resp’ly)
Guna-laghu, rooksha, teekshna (light to digest, dry or ununctous, highly potent drug)
Veerya-ushna (hot in nature, or exothermic )
Vipaka-katu (is pungent in action after it is digested )

Shrub or small tree, reaching a maximum height of 4m with thin papery bark. The branches are thorny. The leaves are simple or trifoliate, the leaflets ovate 1-5cm long, 0.5 -2.5cm broad, irregularly toothed. It is gynodiecious, with some plants bearing bisexual and male flowers, and others with female flowers. The individual flowers are red to pink, with four small petals.

Chemical composition
Active ingredient in extract is steroid guggulsterone which acts as antagonists of the farnesoid x receptor one believed to result in decresed cholestrol synthesis in the liver.

Endangered Species
Because of its medicinal properties, guggul has been over harvested in much of its habitat, and has been listed on the IUCN RED LIST of threatened species. Several efforts are in place to address this situation. Indias National Medicinal Plants board launched a project in Kutch district to cultivate 500 to 800 hectares of guggul, while a grass roots conservation movement led by IUCN associate Vineet Soni , has been started to educate guggul growers and harvestors in safe , sustainable methods.

Guggulu is slimy in touch. But it has a non slimy(visada in ayurveda) effect on the body when used. That is it clears the walls of body channels of excessive mucous. It is rasayana(nourishing), varnya(gives colour to skin, cosmetic action), swarya(enhances sound, clears all infections or inflammations of vocal cord), slakshna(smooth to touch,is not coarse, has got minute pores). It alleiviates kleda(moisture/mucosity), medas(lipids), ganda(goitre), apachi(cervical lymphadenitis), krimi(intestinal worms), pidaka(pimples and other similar eruptions over skin), granthi(abscess), sotha(oedema), and arssass(piles, especially non bleeding piles).

Fresh guggulu is brmhana and vrsya. Old guggulu is extremely depleting.
Fresh guggulu is unctous. Golden in colour and looks like a ripe fruit of jambu. It has fragrance and it is slimy.
Old guggulu on the other hand emits a foul smell and it is devoid of its natural colour. Old guggulu does not possess the required potency.

There are five varieties of guggulu. They are MAHISAKA, MAHANILA, KUMUDA, PADMA  & HIRANYA.
Mahisaka variety ha sthe colour of either bhrnga or anjana.
Mahanila is extremely blue in colour.
Kumuda variety has the colour of a kumuda flower.
Padma variety of guggulu looks red like flesh.
Hiranaksha looks like gold.
Mahisaka and Mahanila- these two varieties of guggulu are useful in treatment of elephants. Kumuda and Padma varieties is specifically indicated for human beings.According to some scholars Mahisaka is also useful for the treatment of human beings.

Patients using guggulu should refrain from sour things, sharp things, things that are indigestible, sexual act, exhaustion, exposure to sun, alcoholic drinks, and anger if he desires to have aprescribed therapeutic effects of this drug.

-purified guggulu 1gm + cows milk/curd, 1 b.d = rheumatic disorders, dyslipidemia, headache, migraine, rhinitis
-gulggulu thikthaka ghrtam(an ayurvedic propreitary medicene) 15gm b.d. for chronic genital diseases(called guhya rogas), rheumatic complaints, rheumatic fever, skin diseases.
-smoke of guggulu resin is beneficial in healing of chronic ulcers
-1gm guggulu powder+triphala (three myrobalans-chebulic, belleric, embellica officionalis) decoction = chronic ulcers
-MahayogarajaGuggulu, YogarajaGuggulu, SimhanadaGuggulu,  used for various types of rheumatic complaints
-Gulgguluthikthaka Ghrta, Gulggulu thikthaka Kashaya, Triphala Guggulu Tab, Rasna Guggulu Tab, Trayodasanga Guggulu Tab, Kaushikadi lepa are some of the Ayurvedic propreitary medicenes that contain guggulu.

( references : materia medica ayurveda, nesamanis text of medicinal plants, wikipedia. )

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